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About Us


The founder, Mr. José Ramón Mora-Figueroa, started the transformation and enhancement process of irrigated agriculture, which ended with the execution of works at the Barbate reservoir
Acquisition of the cotton gin
Start of the social project with the construction of the village and its facilities
Constitution of the SAFA Las Lomas School
Division and levelling of plots, with a first drainage system
Agreement with multinational company Valmont and modernisation of the irrigation and drainage systems
Construction of the processing plant, development of the fruit and vegetable farm and opening of the Sales Office in the United Kingdom
Entry into the capital of the Kuwait Investment Office (KIO) Group, until its exit in 1997
Transformation project, at its own initiative, of the power lines to avoid the electrocution of birds in accordance with the research work of Miguel Ferrer
Start of the abandonment process by the inhabitants of the village of Las Lomas
Introduction of the first organic crops
Participation in the official Spanish Imperial Eagle recovery programme
Start of outsourcing of mechanised and blacksmith works, and creation of the network of satellite companies and local partners
Creation of AINOSA, its own operator in which the infrastructure and maintenance service is outsourced
Reform, expansion and introduction of new production lines of the fruit and vegetable plant
Participation in the LIFE+ IBERLINCE programme
Start of the avocado crops implementation project
Awarded the “Wildlife Estates” European quality label
First avocado harvest

The Family

Three visionary generations have been at the forefront of Finca Las Lomas. A family that has shared a common goal over the years: to take the family heritage even further. The respect and admiration for the work of their ancestors has allowed the property to evolve without losing a single ounce of its essence. The family, represented in the Board of Directors, never stops in its constant search for excellence through the professionalisation of the various activities that make up the property. This is possible thanks to the search for the best operator to manage each of them. The enthusiasm, dedication and passion of all members has turned Finca Las Lomas into the best version of itself and into an international benchmark. It is currently the third generation who represents the family in the Board of Directors.


Loyalty to the founder’s vision has been a constant in the management and diversification of the important legacy that Mr. José Ramón Mora-Figueroa built in his life. A heritage in which the land and its people were the main asset. The devotion to the privileged environment of Las Lomas and the founder’s social awareness turned the estate in to a source of local wealth and a cultural catalyst. In his approximately 50 years at the helm of Las Lomas, Mr. José Ramón and his team managed to carry out an unprecedented transformation. Aware that a large part of his success rested with his workers, he did not skimp on resources, and built a village of over 200 homes for them. The complex had its own supermarket, a school for their children and a leisure centre with a theatre and the only cinema in the area, among other facilities. Las Lomas thus became an unparalleled benchmark of commitment and social regeneration in Spain in the 50s and 60s. It was more than a place of residence, it was, above all, a community.

  • Over 80 years of history.
  • 5,000 hectares of agricultural development.
  • Own industrial, property and academic infrastructures.
  • The natural capital is one of its most representative assets.

Natural evolution

The second generation managed to position Las Lomas as one of the most important agricultural operations in Europe, both for the volume of its production and for the quality and variety of its products. The commitment to excellence and innovation were a constant during his time at the helm. An example of this was the construction of the fruit and vegetable processing plant and the implementation of the Sales Office in the United Kingdom, which served as a platform to launch the export of the produce in Europe. This activity has been growing to this day. The love for the project launched by the founder meant that a large part of the investments made were allocated to caring for the natural heritage, expanding the irrigation network and committing to pioneering environmental conservation measures in Spain.

Sustainable growth

Nowadays, the farming activity operator of the estate, Complejo Agrícola Las Lomas, has managed to diversify production by committing to new types of crops. The company has continued to adapt the agro-industrial business to current times, preserving part of the traditional agriculture, but at the same time developing new crops with added value. Among them is the woody crops project. This will take Las Lomas to a new phase of growth. Complejo Agrícola Las Lomas, as agro-industrial operator of the estate, will take advantage of its vertical integration model to value the new agricultural production, exporting new products through its international network to the most important supermarket chains in Europe. In turn, the Board of Directors continues to adapt the rest of the estate’s capital (natural, real estate and share) to current times, in order to put it in value with the best possible partners and transform the Las Lomas estate into an unparalleled benchmark of sustainable development in all aspects.


The Board members and entire organisational structure at the estate share a common philosophy. A lifestyle based on love for the land that has been handed down, from generation to generation, through example. Respect for tradition, understood as a legacy to be perpetuated and improved, has structured the history of the place, without having to give up on development and innovation; engines that have driven the trajectory of the estate to this day. The spirit of self-improvement of all the people who have brought this unique property to life has achieved an unprecedented transformation. Their authenticity and commitment to excellence have made it possible. Without all of them, nothing would have been the same.  The estate is, today, an example of business efficacy and a sustainable development model in which involvement with the local environment is understood as a mutual benefit. And it will be so in the future, as these values are deeply rooted in the DNA of Las Lomas.

Awards and acknowledgements

Wildelife Estates.

Las Lomas receives the highest score for excellence in wildlife management, landscape conservation and promoting the biodiversity of its territory

Bandera de Andalucía.

Andalusian flag. Category of Agriculture and Rural Development, in the province of Cádiz.

Ayuntamiento de Vejer.

Vejer Town Council. 8th March International Women’s Day Award.