The team at the helm of Las Lomas keeps the conservationist spirit of its founder alive and elevates it to the highest levels of sustainability. Great proof of this is that Las Lomas has already met the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. A lot has been done and a lot more remains to be done. Recent projects and others under development reinforce this pioneer estate’s commitment to sustainability in the implementation of good practices and its respect for the environment.

Ending poverty
What started as a farm at the beginning of the 20th century ended up being a comprehensive development project that was capable of revitalising a disadvantaged region at that time. In the 50s, Las Lomas was a social development model and a significant impact on the local economy. Mr. José Ramón Mora-Figueroa was personally involved in creating a housing and education programme for his workers. Las Lomas had two hundred homes that were lived in by over one thousand people. This is undoubtedly a way of helping to alleviate poverty that still remains today.

Zero hunger
Aligned with the founder’s altruistic vision and support to the community, activities are being developed today that are aimed at contributing socially to those most in need. Throughout the year, Finca Las Lomas makes donations of fresh produce to food banks and local entities. During the hardest months of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, it delivered over four tonnes of food to the most disadvantaged inhabitants in the region.

Health and well-being
A great variety of top-quality fresh produce are grown on the estate, which are the basis of a healthy and balanced diet. The fruits and vegetables of Las Lomas have the highest certifications and excellence controls. Of the 5,000 hectares used for crops, 150 hectares are for organic production and have the LEAF Marque certificate. The non-use of pesticides and other types of substances has a very positive impact on the health of consumers.

High quality education
Since its foundation in 1968, the SAFA Las Lomas educational centre has actively contributed to the cultural development of the region. Located on the estate and surrounded by a unique natural environment, it has educational cycles ranging from the first year of primary to the fourth year of secondary education, with bilingual training during the first years. A holistic educational approach, aligned with the values of Las Lomas, allows its students to achieve an outstanding education. Its infrastructures, which were pioneering at the time, have now been modernised and today they boast a robotics classroom and a school garden. Since starting its activity, approximately 2,000 schoolchildren have passed through its classrooms.

Igualdad de género
In a sector that is eminently linked to male employment, the predominance of female employment within Finca Las Lomas as a whole is significant. Up to 70% of employment on the estate is made up of women and is especially relevant in the production of fruit and vegetable crops. Because of this determined commitment, in 2009, the Vejer de la Frontera Town Council awarded Las Lomas with the 8th March International Women’s Day Award.

Clean water and sanitation
At Las Lomas, water is one of the most important resources in the entire production chain. For this reason, and because of the environmental impact involved in keeping waters in good condition, this is a priority at the estate. On the one hand, the water resources are used incredibly efficiently thanks to the reuse of closed-circuit irrigation. On the other, its quality is respected and promoted as the basis of the intensive production activity carried out. The best proof of the excellent condition of the water at Las Lomas is the presence of positive bio-indicators that allow there to be various aquatic species in the Barbate river, which runs through the estate and makes it the orchard we know of today. Among others, it is worth highlighting the colonies of mallards, teals, chicks, shovelers, herons, pile drivers and even flamingos.

Affordable and non-polluting energy
Las Lomas has been a pioneer in implementing new forms of production and processes that guarantee an efficient consumption of energy resources. The estate is currently facing significant infrastructure developments and all of them have been planned according to the indications of the UN SDGs; both in the use of alternative energies and in the construction of the infrastructures. Technology consultancy EVERIS, through its Sustainability Department, is conducting a study to maximise the options for using solar, wind and geothermal energy, as well as the correct treatment of waste, water reuse and the implementation of sustainable architecture and energy efficiency projects

Decent work and economic growth
Historically, Las Lomas has been an important focal point of work activity for the region. It is one of the main sources of employment in the area, as the activity performed on its land generates an average of approximately 800 jobs per year. It is also a seasonal element of the productive activity in the area, closely linked to the services sector due to its proximity to the coast. And, for its part, fruit and vegetable production generates added value for the region thanks to the export of its crops.

Industry innovation and infrastructure
Throughout its history, Finca Las Lomas has been characterised for introducing new technologies into the supply chain that have allowed it to position itself at the forefront of technology (rangers, challenger, efficient irrigation systems for woody crops, air filtering system for the cotton gin, etc.). In terms of product processing, it has been committed, among other things, to generating added value both in the fruit and vegetable plant and in the processing of cotton with the gin.

Reducing inequality
According to the Economic Impact Study of the business activity of Las Lomas, developed by the University of Seville, the estate has contributed to the social development of the region and its inhabitants for decades. Some data that prove this are as follows: If we consider that the average employment of an Andalusian company in the year defining the time scope of the study (2016) was 4.02, it would be concluded that the economic activity of Finca Las Lomas would equate to a business fabric of some 593 companies with this size. A considerable amount given the weakness of the business fabric in the region. The activity of Finca Las Lomas generates a return of €10 million in taxes for the Welfare State.

Sustainable cities and communities
Las Lomas continues to rehabilitate, maintain and provide homes to people living in the village today, thus guaranteeing a safe and comfortable environment in the heart of nature. Thanks to the creation of employment, estimated at around one hundred thousand real working days per year, it also helps to curb rural depopulation.

Responsible production and consumption
At this point, it is worth highlighting the important commitment that Las Lomas has made to organic crops for decades. This is largely possible thanks to the determination of the management to develop healthy eating and consumption habits. The involvement of its workers, the quality of the lands and waters at the estate are also decisive factors. The most relevant crop lines have significant percentages of organic production. See: grapefruit, 50%, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potato and carrot, 25%. Avocado, 20% and leek, 15%. If we take into account the production volume of Finca Las Lomas, this amounts to hundreds of tonnes per year of the best eco-certified harvests.

Climate action
At a property with the characteristics and size of Finca Las Lomas, the responsible and efficient use of irrigation water is a determining factor. Thanks to the modern irrigation and drainage systems that have been successively installed on the estate, it is estimated that a lot of water is saved every year. Moreover, the approach of a type of sustainable agro-industrial production has been present for years in all crops that have been incorporated, including the organic varieties.

Submarine life
Having a river like the Barbate, which crosses the property and flows into the Atlantic Ocean, it is incredibly important that the estate maintains the good quality of the waters and its drainage. Under its surface we can find a large variety of fish, eels, shrimp, pleiades, Galapagos tortoises, silverside, mullets and even otters. All of them are bio-indicators that attest to the great condition of its riverbed.

Life of terrestrial ecosystems
One of the major milestones in the history of Las Lomas has been the balance achieved between quality and high-volume agro-industrial production and conservation and respect for the existing biodiversity. It is an applauded and studied model that results in the coexistence of huntable species and local predators (such as birds of prey) and the rich variety of bird life that live in the reservoirs and irrigation canals. The imperial eagle and Iberian lynx recovery programme deserves a special mention.

Peace, justice and sound institutions
If something characterises and differentiates Las Lomas, it is its constant commitment to the creation of social wealth, economic development and the generation of stable and healthy social and labour relations. Las Lomas has been and continues to be a community with solid foundations built on respect, social justice, education, work and a desire to improve.

Alliances for achieving objectives
Over seventy years ago, the founder of Las Lomas, Mr. José Ramón Mora-Figueroa intuitively committed to many of these objectives. Today, his inspiring vision comes to life in each of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Finca Las Lomas is proud to lead a profitable and responsible business model that complies with all SDGs. Aware that there is still a lot left to do, important alliances have been established with various entities, which will allow Finca Las Lomas to remain a benchmark in sustainability and traceability in the future.